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Title: "Introduction To The Life & Teaching of God For Our Age" Time Period Wrtten: October and November, 2005 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: The Children of God's Grace, The "Great Beings" for our age Page 1 of 2
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is "Page 1 of 2" of the "Text Only Version" of "Spiritual Letter 73" for your review and consideration, if you like, for as with everything in our life, the Choice is ours, not God's. A beautiful Spiritual Letter to the Children of God for our age that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and God within Him, have instructed this child to write, and to send to each of you, living at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) within us, and of God within Him, and now living on the "outside" of us, at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).
At the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we only want it, that is, if that be the true intention of our life, that is, if the true intention of our life is to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen .
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). ============================================================== Text Only Version - for Spiritual Letter 72
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kullahu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom Brokaw and Aron Ralston - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
The first purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you is to share with both of you something amazing that has happened within the life of this child, as the two of you shared with us the other day on "NBC Dateline", shared with us about the amazing thing that had happened in the life of Aron, that is, his being saved by God from his certain death, saved by God from his fate, because of the love and devotion to God of his mother, but for what purpose. So he can climb more mountains? So it would seem.
And this is the second purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, to propose a different outcome to the life of both of you, because in truth both of you have been saved, saved by God from your fate, one dying according to their fate as a "mountain man" and the other dying as an "anchor man", if God had not intervened, in both of your lives, giving both of you another chance, another shot at truly becoming successful in your lifetime. Something to certainly think about. Yes?
In one case saving Aron from his lonely death at the bottom of a canyon, and in the other case saving Tom from his lonely death at the bottom of "fame", in this way, saving them both, but for what purpose.
And truly saving them only if they like, that is, if Aron and Tom, or either one of them, truly want to be saved from their fate, from what they in their ignorance have grown within them, between themselves and their source, between themselves and God within them, have grown in their short temporary life on the "outside" of themselves and which now rules over them, with God's Permission, as the 9 openings of their body.
As what now "separates them" from God within themselves, as what now "separates them" from each other on the "outside" of themselves, and as what now "separates them" from the Creation of God within us, from the "Earth of God" within us, within which God has planted the "Seed of God" within us, which in truth is just waiting for "us" to join as "One with" it, so it can germinate, and in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within us, and the "Fruits of God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, "Whatever we intend is what we will receive", both now and for eternity. Such is the "Justice of God" within us. And in this way, it is always our Choice, not God's, our Choice that determines what we get from God for eternity, that is, both the Choice how we live now till we die, and how we will live for eternity, after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us. Such is our Choice, not God's Choice, our Choice for both now, and for later, for eternity. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen.
For in the end God will always give us our Choice, God will always give us exactly what we truly intend for our life, no matter what our words may be, no matter what we may say to the world that we want, for in truth our words and our actions are not the same, for in truth we are all hypocrites, saying one thing while doing another, holding one thing on our lips but another within our heart, and our hypocrisy is our downfall, leading us day by to hell, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
Such is the truth of our lives, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, of all of us, if we like, if we only have the eyes to see it, to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, and such is the fate of each of us living in the world today, also if we like, if we fail to become wise in our lifetime, if we fail to truly re-connect to God within us, before we die to the flesh, which in truth is to die to whatever we have in our ignorance collected over the years on the "outside" of us, to whatever we have built over the years in our ignorance within us, to whatever crop we have sown, nourished, grown, and brought to maturity within us, to whatever we have picked up and accumulated in our life on the "outside" of us, in our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.
A life that now "define us" on the "outside" of us, as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, all of which is false, a life that now "define us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God, both within us and on the "outside" of us, all of which is false.
A temporary short life on the "outside" of us which now defines us incorrectly, and which then becomes, if we die in that state, an eternal life dis-connected from God within us, an eternal life dis-connected from the truth of us within us, and from the truth of God within us, which is "Oneness", which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come here, to this earth world within us, to join in partnership with God within us, to tell.
A temporary short life on the "outside" of us, which after we die to the flesh, then becomes our eternal life within us, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is always hell within us, both now and later, whatever we may like to call it now or later, and wherever and however we may experience it now or later, a hell that we are only currently experiencing in our ignorance as our current illusory temporary heaven and hell on the "outside" of us, with heaven being the parts of our current illusory life that we like and hell being the parts that we don't like, but which in truth is all a reflection of the hell within us, of the very real hell that we have grown in our ignorance within us, but which in truth is all a reflection of,
"Our having "forgotten God within us" and of our having "fallen into many a trap" within us, and of our "not knowing to seek ourselves within ourselves, although God exists within us", with all of this happening to all of us, after our coming to this earth world within us."
And such is our current state, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not, such is what each of us have done with the "Gifts of God" within us, in our ignorance, and even worse, in our arrogance about our ignorance, such is what we have done that prevents us from learning anything new within us, that prevents us from join in partnership with God within us to "empty the cup" within us, so God can then "fill it again" within us.
But this time with an understanding that will truly awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, and then liberate our soul within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, that is, that will liberate our original pure birth and life within us, from our current impure birth and life within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, and that will allow our awakened wisdom joined as "One with" our liberated soul to find and become "One with" the "Light of our wisdom", which is the "body of the soul' within us, allowing True Prayer to happen within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, which is Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us. Amen.
May we all realize this truth within us, this "Oneness" within us, before it is too late, before we die to the flesh, and let God within us finish what God has started within us, even before we were born into this earth world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen
For after we physically die to the "outside" of us, if we die in our current state, is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, that is, if we die in our current state of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, if we die in our current state of living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us.
For then, after we die to the flesh in our current state, our illusory heaven and hell on the "outside" of us becomes a very real eternal hell within us, and not just another heaven, but eternal heaven, in another "outside" of us, but this time, without the hell or part of our current life that we don't currently like, as many of us now believe in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, but which is not true, at any level within us.
This is something that we must begin to understand, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, before it is too late to do anything about it, which is the purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you. Amen.
In this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, what we get next is not just the heaven that many of us believe that we are currently experiencing on the "outside" of us, but without the hell of it that we don't like, but rather what we get next is the reality of what we want, not the dream of what we want, not the dream that we are currently experiencing in our ignorance on the "outside" of us.
That is, what we get next, after we die to the flesh, that is, if we die in our current state, is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, that is, if we die in our current state of living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separation from" God within us, all of which is not true, what we get next is a very real and eternal hell within us, a very real hell within us which is currently showing "us", like a movie projector, a dream on the "outside" of us, a dream of the current hell within us, a dream of a life of "separation and differences", of arrogance, karma, and illusion, of mind and desire.
In this way, showing us what we currently want, which is a temporary mortal life of "separation and differences", but which in truth is a dream of what we currently want, not the reality of it, showing us a dream of our desires on the "outside" of us, a dream of what we think in our ignorance that we what, which is "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, rather than "Oneness and Unity" within God within us.
A dream of what we think in our ignorance that we want, for both now and for eternity, which is "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, with us then getting exactly that, after we die to the flesh, but the reality of that, not the dream of that, getting an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is what hell is all about, that is, "separation from" God within us, instead of getting what is our birth right, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, instead of what God planned for us, which is an eternal life as "One with" God within us, that God within us is constantly trying to show to us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, if we will only let Him.
In this way, with "us", after we die to the flesh, then experiencing the hell within us as it really is, not as we are currently experiencing it in our ignorance, not as we have been tricked into believing it is, through our ignorance, and through our arrogance about our ignorance, not as a dream about our desires, but rather as all of the real lives of darkness and evil that we have grown within us, in our ignorance, that in truth are our desires, that in our ignorance we currently see only as the illusory "outside" of us, as the dream of "I and you", of "mine and ours", the dream of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true, is false, on every level within us.
But in truth each of us is much more than this, much more than the illusory "outside" of us, much more than the dream of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and much more than the very real but false lives of darkness and evil within us, much more than the very real but false hell of "separation and differences" that we grown within us in our ignorance, like weeds in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and that we are currently watching in our ignorance as a dream life on the "outside" of us.
Each of us is much more than this, for in truth each of us is "Of God" within us, and each of us is of the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and each of us is "Of What God Is Doing" within us, using the "Stuff of God" within us.
And in this way, each of us in truth is not just the life and world on the "outside" of us, we are not just the arrogance, karma, and illusion or fate that we are now all currently experiencing in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, each of us in truth is of "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and within that we are of "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, like the apple seed buried within the earth, before it decides to germinate, or not, is not just the life being lived on the cover surrounding the apple seed, that protects the apple seed from being destroyed by the earth, but in truth it is the "apple tree happening" within the earth, and within that it is the "apple fruit happening" within the apple tree, that is, if it likes, if after it realizes, understands, accepts, and joins as "One with" the truth within it, that naturally emerges from within it, when it is ready, when it is ready to both hear, and either accept or reject that truth, that is, if it lets the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it. Amen.
Such is our current life, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, an arrogance, karma, and illusion or fate, and a false destiny that will continue to be our life on the "outside" of us, until we physically die to the "outside" of us, if we let it, and that then, after that, after we die to the flesh, becomes an eternal life of hell within us, becomes an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, for in truth hell is just that, and nothing more and nothing less, hell is an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, not what many of us currently believe about heaven and hell in our ignorance.
Such is our fate, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, if we die in our current state of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, that is, if God does not intervene in our life, before we die to the flesh, and give us another Chance, and give us our Last Chance, as He most certainly has in the life of Aron, which we all can see by watching your program on "NBC Dateline", but more subtly, as He most certainly has intervened in your life, my dearest loving brother Tom, and in the life of this child, of your dearest loving brother Louie, and in the life of each one of us living in the world today, because in truth what we have received in our life, in the life of each one of us, is not in any way what we have truly earned.
For only through the infinite love and mercy and compassion of God within us, have we been shielded from our true rewards for our current life, for our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
With God all the while watching us, and saving us, and saving us, and saving us, over and over again, from ourselves, that is, saving us from our ignorance, and from our arrogance about our ignorance, which is our ego, from our karma, which are our very own thoughts, and from our fate, which is what was written on our forehead when we were born, as the "intentions in the world of our parents", and which now rule over us as the 9 openings of our body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us.
Until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" as "separate from" Him, which should be the whole focus of our prayers, and of our life, and of our duty, not "working for wages" to get into some illusory heaven, in the next "outside" of us, after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the current "outside" of us, all of which is completely false, is not true, but which many of us currently believe in our ignorance, and which many of us refuse to give up, in our arrogance about our ignorance, no matter what God may place before us, like this beautiful Spiritual Letter.
And with God within us saving us from our false destiny, which in truth is all of our ignorant and arrogant decisions, while "we" continue to try to life a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, trying to continue to live on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true, for in truth God is closer to us than our own breath, and in truth we are all truly "One" within us, and in truth the Creation of God is all within us, as the "Earth of God" within us, which is where the "Seed of God" within us has been planted for us in our age by God within us, just waiting for "us" to let it germinate to the truth within us, just waiting for us to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us, in order to reveal the "Tree of God" within us, and the "Fruits of God" on that Tree within us, and again the "Seed of God", the "Seed of God" within those "Fruits of God", but this time a 1000 fold.
That is, if we only have the wisdom and the soul and the heart to realize it, if we will only let Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, who is our wisdom, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, which is our soul, and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, which is our heart, to reveal Them within us. Amen.
And in this way, with God within us saving us from our very own thoughts, from our very own actions and from our very own conduct, saving us, day in and day out, moment by moment, from what we have truly grown within us in our ignorance, saving us from the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, that we have grown within us in our ignorance, but that we only see in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as a dream life on the "outside" of us, as a dream life of "I and you", of "mine and yours", on the "outside" of us, as a dream life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, all the while nourishing the lives of darkness and evil within us by our every thought, our every action, and our every conduct of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and in this way, with "us" sinning on the "outside" of us with each look, because we see everything on the "outside" of us as "separate from" us, which is a sin, which is false, which is not true.
In this way, with God within us saving us from what we have actually done with our life within us, at least up till now, that we have done in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, with all of the beautiful "Gifts of God" within us, with all of the "Gifts" that God has patiently and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, with these "Gifts" gradually coming together within us as the First of God's Schools within us, for the soul or light life within us, for the 6th life within us, as the "School of Contrast" within us, where we have come as a atom, from God within us, as a "ray resplending from the sun", to the Nur Muhammad within us, to the Light on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, in order, if we like, to sit on God's lap within us, while our wisdom teach us "what we do not know", teach us about who we "Already are" within us, while "We" watch the "drama of life" within us being played out on the "stage of life" within us, if we like.
For to use our life in this manner, as a school of grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge within us, to use what God has given to us in this way, as a "School of Contrast" within us, to use what God has patiently and every so lovingly gradually placed within us, in this way, through our wisdom, through our wisdom within our wisdom, and through God within our wisdom, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, rather than using these "Gifts of God" within us, through our mind and desire, for the benefit of the lives of darkness and evil within us, is our Choice, not God's Choice. Amen.
May we all know this now, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly.
That is, start to act as the "Earth of God" within us, as the Creation of God within us, not as the "Farmer of God" within us, and invite the true farmer within us, which is our wisdom within us, to come and plow us under, to plow under all of our thoughts, and intentions, and qualities, and actions of "separation and differences" that currently falsely define us on the "outside" of us, to plow all of this under within us with the enlightening words of the Qutbiyyat of God within us, for our age, which is the "Gift of God" for our age, which is the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, which is the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, in our age, and then plant the "Seed of God" within us, for our age, the seed of "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, that is, within the "Prepared Earth" within us, the "Seeds of God" within us, which in maturity as the "Tree of God" within us and as the "Fruits of God' within us, are the qualities and actions of God within us, are what define God within us, as the 99 wilayats or powers of God within us.
In this way, watering this "Seed of God" within us with the continuous "Remembrance of God" within us, with each look, thought, word, and action on the "outside" of us, in partnership with God within us, which in the Arabic tradition is referred to as the Kalimah of God within us, and is recited in Arabic as, "La illaha, Ill Allahu, Muhammadar Rasul Allah", which can be translated into English as,
"There is nothing other than God (within us), You are God (within us), and Muhammad is the Messenger of God (within us)"
(And Muhammad is the Messenger of God within us, who if we like, establishes "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, the prayer, if we like, that re-establishes the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, but this time, with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again, and "We will be within it", as the Witness, if we like, for the Choice to do this with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's. Amen)
And start to act as the "School of God" within us, and not as the "Student of God" within us, which is our soul within us, and invite the true student within us, which is our soul, to come and study in "us" as its school, learning the lessons that will allow our soul within us to return to God within us, to again become "One with" God within us, and if we do, then "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the Witness of the soul returning to God within us, or at least truly starting that journey back to God within us, before we die to the flesh, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
And start to act as the "Prayer Mat" of God within us, and not as the "One Who Prays" to God within us, which is God within praying to God within us, allowing God to finish what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
Such is how we truly become successful in our lifetime, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, such is true success within us in our life time, which in truth has nothing to do with the illusory "outside" of us, but involved joining in partnership with God within us to replace the current "real but false" inside of us, with the "true" inside of us, which in truth is what is within God within us.
In this way, joining in partnership with God within us, to remove the false inside of us, or at least to truly start to truly remove it from within us, before we die to the flesh, a false inside of us which we have grown within us in our ignorance, and which now lives within us as mature lives of darkness and evil within us, that now rule over us as the 9 openings of our illusory body, both within us and on the "outside" of us, with "God's Permission" within us, until we "See God and Steady Him" within us, so God can then, if we like, "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true.
With all of this learning being placed within us, by God within us, for the soul life or 6th life of purity within us, so we can learn about who we "Already is", through the "School of Contrast" within us, so we can learn about everything that "separates" us from God within us, and having learned our lessons, and having graduated from our school, to return to God within us, from which we have come, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
For God has already taught us everything, it is all written within us. Before we came here God told us,
"I am sending you to a school called the world. It is a temporary place. You have to go there for a little while in order to learn about "My History", "Your own History", and the "History" of many others."
"You have to understand who Created everything, who is responsible for everything, who is the Guardian in charge of you, and what is your true property."
"Once you have learned and understood all of these "Histories", you will realize "Who you are", and "Who is the One" you need, the True One, the One who will live forever. Amen"
Such are the true "Gifts of God" within us, that God has given to each of us, even before we were born, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us even before we came to this earth world, which include "His Farmer" which is our wisdom, and "His Student" which is our soul, and "His Prayer", which is Him, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, with "us" as His Witness, which in the Christian tradition is referred to as the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Sun, and the Holy Spirit, and in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the Triple Flame, as Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, as God, the Light of Wisdom which in truth is the soul, which is the 7th level of wisdom within us, and as the Wisdom surrounding the Soul, which is the 6th level of wisdom within us . Amen.
That is, "Such is our state", when we first came to the "School of Contrast" within us, that is, before we,
"Forgot God and fell into many a trap, no longer knowing to seek ourselves within ourselves, although God exists within man."
When we first came to the "School of Contrast" within us, which is the First of the many "Schools of God's" within us, which in truth is where we have now come to learn and study within us, to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, or even more accurately and profoundly, for God within us to learn about what "separates God" within us" from God within us, to learn about what "separates our soul" within us from the Primal One within us, to learn about what prevents our pure birth and life within us from returning to God within us, from which it has come, that prevents "us", as the Witness, from becoming again "One with" God within us in the process, but this time with an understanding our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again.
For this is the true reason we are all here, understanding.
"For in truth understanding only occurs through contrast".
"Nothing will ever leave us until it is understood, for in truth that is why it is there in the first place, within us, for understanding to occur through contrast."
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, having learned our lessons, through this "School of Contrast" within us, having passed our exams, and having graduated from this First of God's School within us, from the "School of Contrasts" within us, we can then go to the Next of God's Schools within us, which is the "School of Light" within us, where God will personally teach us about God within us, and about True Man within God within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, and about the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that in truth we have come from God, to join as "One with" the Creation of God within us, to tell, in partnership with God within us, or at least to truly start to tell, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
For having graduated from the "School of Contrast" within us, we can then do this, if we like, we can then go to the "School of Light" within us, either before or after we die to the flesh, if we like, for the Choice to do so with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's.
That is, after graduating from the "School of Contrast" within us, if we like, either before or after we die to the flesh, we can then go to the "School of Light" within us, that is, after joining in partnership with God within us to come to an understanding of what is "separating us" from the true "inside" of us, of what is "separating us" from what is within God within us, for the true "inside" of us is what is within God within us.
That is, come to an understanding of what is "separating us" from the true "inside" of us which is everything that is currently within us, is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, is everything that has grown within our heart within us in our ignorance, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that give us the illusion of a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, that give us a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us.
Which in truth is everything that the "Enemy of the soul" within us is currently showing us on the "outside" of us, in our ignorance, for their profit, that is, in order for them to be nourished within us, by our life of sin on the "outside" of us, all of which is only leading us to hell within us, is only leading us to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, after we die in our current state to the flesh, after we are then truly "separated from" God within us, with us then going to the "suffering of the grave" within us, with "us" then meeting for the first time, and becoming "One with", the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, that we have raised within us in our ignorance, while living a life of "separation and differences" on the outside" of us, that we have raised within us in our ignorance, but failed to raise to a good state within us, like the 5 Angels of God within us, in partnership with God within us, before we died to the flesh.
With us then, after dying to the flesh in our current state, with us then roaming the earth world within us as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost within us, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us.
With us then, after dying to the flesh in our current state, and after experiencing the "suffering of the grave" within us, after become "One with" the 5 ruhanies within us, and roaming the earth world within us, with "us" then going to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" then meeting the Creation of God within us, for the first time, meeting the incomplete Creation of God within us, that we failed to being to judgment within us, that we failed to bring to Completion within us, in partnership with God within us, before we died to the flesh, and as a result, with "us" then, after we die to the flesh in our current state, as part of their judgment, of their judgment after we die to the flesh, with "us" then taking on 105 million rebirths within us, within "us" ending as worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling within us.
And in this way, with "us" then going to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" then taking on as part of their judgment, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, all of which is the fate of each one of us, after we die to the flesh, if we are not wise, that is, if we die to the flesh in our current state.
With all of this happening within us in our ignorance, both within us and on the "outside" of us, but according to God's Plan within us, that is, initially within us, as "us" having become "One with" our heart within us, that is, with "us" having become "One with" the handful of earth within us known as Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, that God has personally and every so lovingly placed within us, as the vehicle created by God within us for returning the soul within us to God within us, as the vehicle for the soul within us to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, but this time with an understanding our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again.
And in this way, as the inside of us comes to maturity within us, with God within us providing the soul within us with the many Schools of God within us, in order for the soul within us to come to the required understanding within us, but a journey and a leaning of the soul which has not yet started within us, because Adam (peace be upon Him) within us in his ignorance fell from the grace of God within us, creating the conditions for each of us to do the same, that is, to permit the current inside and "outside" of us, to occur within each of Adam's (peace be upon Him) Children (peace be upon each of Us) within us, which is an illusory "outside" of us ruled over by a real but false "inside" of us.
A condition which "we" in our ignorance have yet to overcome, either within us or on the "outside" of us, by joining in partnership with God within us to remove, so the journey and learning of our soul can begin, can at least begin, before we die to the flesh, for after we die to the flesh, the "School of Contrast" is destroyed within us, so if we have not at least truly started the journey, then our soul will have lost all opportunity for complete its journey and learning, to complete it journey back to our Father within us, with the required understanding of our "Oneness" within us, so it will never leave us again.
And then, if we die in our current state, then all is lost, for us, for our soul within us, and for the Creation of God within us, and for all of the things that have grown within us in our ignorance, and when we do finally die to the flesh, then all of us are off to hell, off to the "suffering of the grave" and then to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), all of us are off to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, because we have missed our Chance, including this Last Chance, which is this Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to the Children of God for our age, which in truth is all of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life, for the life within us, for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
What a waste, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, if we die to the flesh in our current state, and we cannot complete the journey of our soul.
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,
"Children, you came from your Father to the world, and from that world you must return to Him. When you came, you came in the form of an atom, and when you go, you must go in the same form. It is necessary for you to understand this, and return to our original state, for as long as you do not establish this state, you cannot complete the journey of your soul."
[Note: This quotation is from the beautiful book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey" (, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and as reproduced in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for September, 2005. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, understanding what is "separating us" from what is within God within us, which is "Completion" within us, and what is "separating God" within us from "us" within us, which is "True Prayer" within us, allows our awakened wisdom to liberate our soul within us, and to find and become "One with" the Light of our wisdom, which is the "Body of the soul" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the "Form of the Nur Muhammad" within us, or "Worship of the Form of the Nur Muhammad" within us, which is "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the "One who Is" within us, destroying all duality within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which naturally happens within us, when the "alif becomes the pillar of the sukun of the mim, and the lam disappears into the sukun of the mim, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as "Allah Muhammad" or the "Resonance of Allah". Amen.
In this way, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, to liberating "us" from the illusory "outside" of us, and from what is currently within us, that is, from the real but false inside of us, or said from the other perspective, "separating us" from what is separating "us" from God within us, that is, from the true inside of us, which is what is within God within us, which is "our" Completion.
And then liberating God within us from what is within God within us, or said from the other perspective, "separating God' from what is separating God within us from "True Prayer" within us, that is, "separating God" within us from what is "separating God" from God within us, which is what is within God within us, allowing "True Prayer" to occur within God within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, which in the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is the "Secret World of Allah" within God within us, and is the "Form of Worship of the Form of the Nur Muhammad" within us.
For in truth God is the "Power within the Essence of Everything", and Everything is the earth world or dunya or "School of Contrast within us, and the Essence of Everything is True Prayer, and the "Oneness of God and True Man" within that Essence, which is result of True Prayer within us, is the Power known as God, that Power which is trying to tell and being to Completion within us, that Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", which in truth is God and True Man within us. Amen.
All of which in truth is within God within us, not currently within us, for currently within us is the dream of the earth world within us, which is the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, which is everything currently below our chest within us, for when our soul entered the body of Adam (peace be upon Him) in awwal within us, within the world of souls within us, at the time of Creation of within us, the soul only came down as far as the chest within us, which in true is the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within us.
For then we can then go to the "School of Light" within us, if we like, that is, if we graduate from the "School of Contrast" within us, which is a school hidden within us, by God within us, hidden within the real but false inside of us, that we currently only see and experience in our ignorance as the world existing on the "outside" of us, as "our current life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, but in truth is still a "School of Contrast" within us, even though we don't currently see it within us, and is not any school on the "outside" of us, as many of us believe, but rather, a school within us that if we join in partnership with God within us to really attend within us, and graduate from within us, will earn us the right to go to the Next of God's Schools within us, either before or after we die to the flesh, and as always, in truth the Choice is ours, the Choice to attend this hidden school within us, or not, this "School of Contrast" within us, is our Choice, not God's.
A "School of Contrast" within us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not, because it is our birthright, it is our true heritage for our age, it is the true destiny of our soul, but a school never-the-less, and a school within us which we cannot truly attend within us as long as try to keep living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, as long as we try to see this school "outside" of us and try to attend it using our arrogance, karma, and fate, using our mind and desires, because it truth it is within us, and the required "understanding through Contrast" that goes on in this school within us can only be seen and experienced through our wisdom, not through our mind and desire, but rather through the wisdom surrounding our soul, which must first be awakened within us.
So it can do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, which is the main Curriculum or Syllabus for this "School of Contrast" within us, a wisdom which must first be awakened within us by "us" joining in partnership with God within us to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which is each of us living in this age, if we like.
And for our age, the "Gift of God" for our age, the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), for example, starting with this Spiritual Letter, if you like.
Such is our true work for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us, or "Heart's Work" for our age, the only work that will truly allow us to find, study within, and graduate from the First of God's Schools within us, which is the "School of Contrast' within us, if we like, and in this way truly make our life successful in our lifetime.
For if we can really do this with our life, in partnership with God within us, or at least truly start to do it, before we die to the flesh, then we can go to the Next of God's Schools within us, either before or after we die to the flesh, we can then go to the "School of Light" within us, were God will personally and ever so lovingly teach us about God within us, and teach us about True Man within God within us, and teach us about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and about the telling and completing of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, which is the true purpose of our life, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within God within us. And, this is the truth within us, and this is for sure within us. Amen.
But my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, very few us, if any of us, are going to do this with our life, or even truly join in partnership with God within us to start to do this within us, before we die to the flesh, and therefore, few if any of us are going to truly attend this First of God's Schools within us, or pass any of the exams in this school, or graduate from this First of God's Schools within us, before we die to the flesh, because we are to busy living on the "outside" of us in the "dream of us", in the dream of what we currently think we want, like climbing mountains or gracefully retiring from being the NBC News Anchor, we are all to busy living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" everything, both within us and on the "outside" of us, to busy living a life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
Such is our current state and focus, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, Right?. A current state and focus which in truth is only leading us to an eternal life of hell within us, which in truth is only leading us to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, for other than this, other then this "separation from" God within us, there is no hell, other than this "separation form" our source, this "separation from" the "truth of us", and this "separation from" the "truth of God" within us, there is no "suffering of the grave" within us, and there is no "Qiyamah" (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, after we die to the flesh, instead, if we truly join in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, there is only "Oneness with" God within us, and "Oneness with" what God is "One with" within us, and "Oneness with" what God is doing within us, after we die to the flesh.
May we all know this now, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, invoking the "Presence of God" within us before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, by saying the "Name of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us.
And the "Name of God" within us, for our age, like in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, and like in the age of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) over 1400 years ago, and like in the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) over 1000 years ago, is the name of our wisdom within us, is the name of the wisdom surrounding our soul for our age, which must be awakened in each age by the "Gift of God" for each age, by the "Life and Teaching of God" for each age, by the "Word of God" for each age, for the Children of God for each age, in order to do battle with "Enemy of the soul" for each age, in order to do battle with the particular form or manifestation of darkness and evil within us, for each age, which becomes the "Enemy of the soul" within us, for each age.
And that intensifies in each age, intensifies beyond what it was in all previous ages, now appearing again in our age as the "Enemy of the soul" within each of us for our age, an "Enemy" that is standing between God and our soul within us, for our age.
And that "Enemy of our soul" manifested or took form in the age of Moses (peace be upon Him) over 3000 years ago, as "false magic", with the "Staff" of Moses (peace be upon Him), or the "Magic of God", swallowing and overcoming the "false magic" of that age,
And the "Enemy of the soul" manifested or took form in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, was overcoming false death with true life, that is, overcoming a life of "separation from" God with a life of "Oneness with" God, before dying to the flesh, and the life of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the world by His resurrection from the dead, not just from the cross but from a life of "separation from" God within us into a life of "Oneness with" God within us, both before and after the cross, and by His Example of truly being "Born again" within the "Word of God" for that age, overcame the "Enemy of the soul" in that age.
And the "Enemy of the soul" manifested or took form in the age of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), over 1400 years ago, as "false words", as poetry, and as satanic recitations invoking the aid of demons and jinns, all of which was overcome by the "Word of God" for that age, for the Children of God for that age, and by the example of all this occurring on the "outside" of us as the "Word of God" given to Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) at that time, and as now recorded in the Holy Qur'an".
And the "Enemy of the soul" has manifested and taken form in our age, in the age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as "false ego", that is, it has manifested in our age, in the age of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, in the age of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as the belief that somehow, man in his ignorance, in his ignorance of "who he truly is", and of "where he true is", and of "what is truly happening" in his life, that man somehow, through his science, and/or his false religious practices, thinks that "he is god", thinks and believes that he can do anything that he sets his mind to, that is, if he can just understand it, and apply himself diligently to it, overcoming everything in his way, leading him to an increasing long, happy and healthy life, including curing hunger, illness, old age, and even death.
And the Cure for this "Enemy of the soul" for our age, for all of this "false ego" that has now grown within us, within all of us, as the latest and most deadly manifestations of the "Enemy of the soul" within us, the true Cure for all of this, for all of this false belief that "man is god" on the "outside" of us, and as such can do whatever he wants, and overcome and control everything, given the required time, money, and will power, the true Cure for all of this is the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, is the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as they are teaching us right now, for example, in this Spiritual Letter.
And the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age that will overcome this "false ego", this false belief that in his ignorance of himself, and in his ignorance of God within himself, man still thinks and believes that "he is god" on the "outside" of us, still thinks and believes that he is "truly great" on the "outside" of us, is the truth about "us within us, and the truth about God within us, that is contained within the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, if we like, that is, the truth that if man can truly step back in his life, so God can truly step forward in his life, if man can truly join in partnership with God within him, as God has already joined in partnership with man within Him, if man can truly begin to do this, if man can at least begin to again become "One with" God within him, before he dies to the flesh, then in truth "Man is God" are both standing in the same place within us, and doing the same thing within us, that is, in truth "God and Man" are "One" within us, and in this way, "Man is God" within us.
And in this way, if man can truly die to his "false ego", to the life and teaching that he has constructed on the "outside" of himself, in his ignorance, in ignorance of what he has grown within himself, that in truth is the basis of the illusion that he now sees in his ignorance on the "outside" of himself, then in truth "Man is God" within us. Amen.
For as contained within the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, is the truth, that,
"Man is God in the forgetting of Himself."
And as always, the Choice is ours, the Choice to either use our life in this way, or not, that is, the Choice to use our life, and God within us, in order to overcome the "Enemy of the soul" in our age, is ours, not God's within us. Something to think about, Yes?
But my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, before we make such an important decision, we must be clear on the stakes of such a decision, which is either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us. Amen.
For as in ages before us, if at least one of us doesn't do this "Heart's Work" within us, and truly overcome the "Enemy of the soul" for our age, then all is lost, for all of us, for then none of us truly want God within us, over ourselves, that is, over our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.
For if the "Enemy of the soul" is not overcome in our age by True Man within us, that is, overcome by True Man emerging from within God within us, as it has been overcome in all previous ages before us, then all is lost for all of us.
That is, overcome by the emergence within us, in at least one of us, of True Man within God within us, and within that within us, by the emergence of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and within that, by the telling and the bringing to completion of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, transforming the illusory "outside" of us, and the real but false inside of us into the true inside of us, into the hereafter, into the here and now, into the kingdom of God within us, into akhirah within us all.
For then when the "beast" comes out of at least one of us, as he must certainly must, and True Man within God within us is not already here to greet him, and destroy him, before he completely destroys the "outside" of all of us, then the "outside" of us will be prematurely destroyed, for all of us, ending the "outside" of us for all ages, ending what God has started within all of us, a very, very long time ago, even before we came to this earth, before God can complete it within any of us, for all of us, for in truth "We are all One". Amen.
And returning to our previous point, the "Name of God" for our age, which when used by us before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, establishes the "Presence of God" within us, within whatever is then "said or done" on the "outside" of us, allowing the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God to flow into all of the Creation of God within us all, allowing God to complete what He has started within us all, even before we came to this earth world, to this dunya, allowing God to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And in this way, overcoming the "Enemy of the soul" within all of us, if we like, that is, if this is how we want to use our life within us, allowing our wisdom to awaken within us, allowing our soul to be liberated within us, allowing our soul to again become "One with" God within us, or at least joining in partnership with God within us to start to do this "Heart's Work" within us, before we die to the flesh.
And in this way, the "Name of God" for our age is the name of the Place God dwells within us for our age, is the name of our wisdom within us, for our age, is the name of our direct connection to God within us, for our age, for God always dwells within our wisdom within us, within the wisdom surrounding our soul, within us, which when awakened within us, liberates and joins as "One with" our soul within us, and then goes in search of the "Light of our wisdom", which is the "body of the soul", within us, which in maturity becomes "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, allowing God to reveal True Man within God within us, and for True Man to reveal God within True Man within us, bringing to completion what God has started within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and in this way, telling and bringing to completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us. Amen.
And in this way, as the "Name of God" for the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, was Jesus (peace be upon Him), and as the "Name of God" for the age of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), over 1400 years ago, was Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and as the "Name of God" for the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), over 1000 years ago, was Qutb Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), so the "Name of God" in our age, in the age of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased within Him) is "Bawa", or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen", or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased within Him).
And now on the "outside" of us, in our age, is the Name of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), is the Name of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), which in truth is the name of each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life within us, that is, for our liberated soul and our awakened wisdom within us, joined as "One with" the "Light of our wisdom" within us, which in truth is the Holy Trinity of God within us, the Triple Flame of God within us, that is, for "Us" to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
In order for "us", in partnership with God within us, to germinate to the "Truth of us", and to the "Truth of God" within us, or at least to start this within us, before we die to the flesh, that is, for the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, which is the "Earth of God" within us, to germinate, and to reveal the "Tree of God" growing within the "Earth of God' within us, and bear the "Fruits of God" on the "Tree of God" within us, or at least to truly start to do this, within "us" in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
In this way, with us joining in partnership with God within us to "separate from" us within us all that is "separating us" from God within us, and from what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and in this way, with us joining in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to "separate from us" everything that is "separating us" from the "truth of us" within us, allowing the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within us to germinate within us, or to at least truly start our life moving in that direction, before we die to the flesh, which in truth is "God happening" within His Creation within us.
And in this way, with God joining in partnership with True Man within God within us, to "separate from" God within us all that is "separating God" from True Man within God within us, and from what True Man is doing within God within us, which is revealing True Man to True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within God within us.
And in this way, with God joining in partnership with True Man within God within us, before we die to the flesh", to "separate from" Himself everything that is "separating" God from the "truth of God" within us, allowing the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the "Earth of God" within us to bloom and pollinate within God within us, as the "Flower of God" within God within us, and come to maturity as the "Fruit of God" within God within us, which in truth is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, like in truth the apple seed buried within the earth is the "Apple Fruit happening" within the "Apple Tree happening" within the "Apple Seed" buried within the earth.
But, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, very few, if any of us, are willing to do this true work within us, that we came here to do, in partnership with God within us, that is, to do this "Heart's Work" within us, before we die to the flesh, to do this work of understanding through contrast who we "Already are", this true work within us of allowing God within us and True Man within God within us, to finish what God and True Man within us have started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by telling and bringing to completion Their Story, this true work within us of allowing Them to tell Their Story within us, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us, a Story which we have come to this earth world within us, to join as "One with" the Creation of God within us, to tell, just as the apple seed on the "outside" of us, comes to the earth to tell its Story, that is, that comes to the earth to join as "One with" the earth, to tell and bring to completion the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits" within the earth. Amen.
For like the apple seed buried within the earth, each of us, as the "Seed of God", buried within the Creation of God within us, is now left with the very same Choice, that is, to germinate to the truth of us, and to the truth of God hidden within us or not, to take on or not this learning about who we "Already are", that is, to take on, in partnership with God within us, this germinating to the "truth of us", and to the "truth of what is hidden" within us, which is the true purpose of our life in the world, but a truth which we will only "Pursue to Final Completion" in partnership with God within us, if we truly come to believe in it, if we truly come to believe that we have "Missed the Point" of our life, of all life, by the way that we are currently living, which is "selfishly", and join in partnership with God within us, to correct this mistake, as proposed in this Spiritual Letter, this mistake of "us" continuing to live a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, as if we are really "separate from" everything, both within us and on the "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, all of which is not true, for such is our Choice.
That is, "Missed the Point" of our life, of all life, by the way that we are currently thinking, which is arrogantly, that is, with "us" continuing to become arrogant even about our ignorance, with "us" forcing everything that comes to us, no matter what it is, or who it is from, even this beautiful Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to all of the Children of God for our age, to somehow fit it into what we already believe, to somehow fit it into our current life and beliefs on the "outside" of us, no matter what it is, and then to "be done with it", that is, to somehow fit it into the current "dream life" of "us", living on the "outside" of us, while in truth, everything, including time is within us, while in truth, even God is within us, just waiting for us to realize, understand, accept, and join as "One with" the truth within us, which naturally emerges from within us, when we are both ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, which is the truth behind this Spiritual Letter to each of you, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron.
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,
"Man appearing on this earth forgets God, and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself (within himself), although God exists within man."
[Note: This quotation is from the "Forward" (www.ThePearlOfWisdomForward. to the beautiful book of wisdom by His Holiness, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). Enjoy. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
But instead of doing this with our life, instead of joining in partnership with God within us, to do this with our life, with what God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, a very, very long time ago, most of us, if not all of us, are so busy acting on the "Stage of Drama" on the "outside" of us that we give no real though to God within us, to what God has placed within us, or to what is doing with what God has placed within us.
Instead, with "us" only seeing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, the illusory "outside" of us, only seeing through our mind and desire "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sister, living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, and as a result nobody is watching the play, the play that God has put on for the benefit of all of us, for everyone is acting in the play, and no one is watching the play, and as a result there is no real learning going on, by any of us, for as long as we are all in the play, as long as we are all on the stage, and nobody is in the audience watching the play, as long as we are all trying to recite our lines, trying to hit our cue, trying to make an impression, we can never learn anything about what God is trying to teach us, by the play, we can never learn about who in truth we "Already are".
And this is the truth of it, the truth of our current life in the world, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, Yes?. What an incredible waste, Yes?
For the only one sitting in the audience is God, everyone else is on the stage, and because of that nobody is learning, and nobody will be ready to go to the Next of God's Schools within us, when we die to the flesh, nobody will learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, nobody will pass the exams, and graduate from this First of God's Schools within us, from this "School of Contrast" within us, and then, either before or after we die to the flesh, move onto the Next of God's Schools within us, to the "School of Light" within us, to learn from God about God within us, allowing God within us to then finish what He has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, this is the purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, and to all of the Children of God for this age, which is to "Alert you" to the mistake that we are all making, whether we know it or not, which is our "separation from" God within us, and to the only true solution to this mistake, which is God within us, which is our joining in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to allow God within us to finish what God within us has started within us a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
For we cannot use what God has discarded within us to get to God within us, to allow our soul to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, instead we must use God Himself within us to accomplish this Divine Task within us, this "Heart's Work" within us, and what God has discarded within us in order to become God within us, is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, including "us" acting as if we are somehow "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, for in truth God is closer to us than our own breath.
That is, is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is really within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have grown within us, and that now in our ignorance rule over us, as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God within us to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" as "separate from" Him, by His closing down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, by re-opening the world of souls within us, and then by opening the kingdom of God within us, if we like, for whether God does this or not within us, is our Choice, not God's Choice. Amen.
That is, in this way, we must stop all of this craziness or "folly" on the "outside" of us, we must immediately join in partnership with God within us to stop all of our "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, to stop all of our acting on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, by truly letting God within us expand our consciousness to include God within us, and to include everything within God within us, and to include everything that God is doing within us, to include all of this, as who we "Already are".
And in this way, we must immediately join in partnership with God within us to start to act this way, both within us and on the "outside" of us, for then God will do "Everything Else", both within us and on the "outside" of us, to make it so, to make it true, within us, to start to act as if we are truly "One with" God within us, as if we are "One with" everything within God within us, and as if we "One with" everything that God is doing within us, with everything within God within us, which is using it to reveal God to God within us, if we like, if we will only let Him, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, for then, since this is the truth within us, God will do "Everything Else", to make it so within us, or at least to start to make it so, before we die to the flesh, for this is God's Promise for our age, this is God's Guarantee for our age. Amen.
And in this way, we must immediately join in partnership with God within us, to stop all of living on the "outside" of us as "One with" everything that God has discarded within Himself, in order to become God within us, which is everything which in our ignorance we have now grown again within us, which is the current truth of us, the current within us, and let God replace it, let God replace what is currently within us, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that currently give us the dream of the "outside" of us, that currently give us the illusory "outside" of us, replace all of this with what is currently within God within us, or at least start to replace it, before we die to the flesh.
That is, to let God within us discard again what God discarded before, within Himself, in order to become God within us, but this time within us, all of which God will willingly do within us, if we will just correctly ask Him to do this within us, before we die to the flesh, if we just ask Him to do this within us with our faith and trust and love for Him within us.
All of which God will gladly do within us, will naturally do again within us, in this way, with, God "separating from" Himself again, all that is "separating Him" from Himself, but this time within us, if we like, that is, if we will only let Him, if we will only stop acting like we are somehow "separate from" Him within us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true, and instead let God do within us what only God can do within us, let Him "Cure Himself of us", but this time within us, and if we do, then when He has done this within us.
For then all that will be within us is God within us, and what God has "separated from Himself" within us, what God has again discarded from Himself within us, and "We will be within Him" within us, and we will no longer be within what He has discarded from Himself within us, we will be within Him within us, as His Witness, as His Witness of having done this again, but this time within us, this time for the benefit of all of the Creation that He placed within us, a very, very long time ago, if they like within us.
For this becoming either again "One with" God within us, or this staying "separate from" God within us, has now become their Choice within us, has now become their judgment and salvation within us, as it is now our Choice within us, is now our judgment and salvation within us, as it was before God's Choice within us, as it was before God's judgment and salvation within us, and in this way, our life in partnership with God within us will become truly successful in our lifetime, all of which then becomes the next world, the hereafter, or akhirah within us, if we like, for like God before us, and us now, and the Creation of God next, the Choice is ours, not God's. Amen.
And in this way, we must join in partnership with God within us to start acting on the "outside" of us as if we are "One with" God is within us, as if we are all truly "One" on the "outside" of us, and as if we are buried within the Creation of God within us, that is, buried within the Creation of God within us, within the "Earth of God" within us, as the "Seed of God" within us, just waiting to join as "One with" the Creation of God within us, in order to germinate, to germinate to the "truth of us" and to the "truth of God" within us, to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us, to join in partnership with God within the Creation of God within us to reveal God within us, to reveal the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, and the "Fruit of God" within the "Tree of God" within us, and the "Sweet Taste of God" within those "Fruits of God", and again the "Apple Seed" within the "Sweet Taste of God, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
That is, to join in partnership with God within us to act as if we are all truly "One Life" within God within us, and if we do, then will do "Everything Else", for then "God will make it so" within us, and when God does "Make it so" within us, then "We will be within it". It is just this simple.
For this is the true nature of each of us, of the Creation of God within us, and of God within us, and of True Man within God within us, which is the "Ultimate Self-fulfilling Prophesy", which is the "Justice of God" within us, which is,
"Whatever we intend is what we will receive".
And this is what Jesus (peace be upon Him) tried to tell and show us over 2000 years ago, and is what the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) tried to tell and show us over 1400 years ago, and is what Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), the "Flower of Wisdom" who lived right outside of Baghdad, tried to tell and show us over 1000 years ago, and that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, are trying to tell and show us in our age, and now on the "outside" of us, this is what His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are trying to tell and show us right now, in this Spiritual Letter.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we must join in partnership with God within us to start to act this way, before we die to the flesh, that "Who we are" is what is within us, is the "Seed of God" within us buried within the Creation of God within us, and what is hidden within "Who we are", within that "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us is "Who God is" within us, is the "Seed of True Man" within God within us.
All of which is our soul life within us, and within that soul life within us is True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and within that True Prayer within us is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, all of which is true within us.
And if we can do this, if we can just start to act this way in partnership with God within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, then God within us will do "Everything else", both within us and on the "outside" of us, then "God will make it so" within us, allowing us to stop acting like "Who we are" is what is on the "outside" of us, allowing us to stop acting like "Who we are" is somehow our current life on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true. It is just this simple.
In this way, we must join in partnership with God within us to start to act that "Who we are" is our original pure birth and life within us, not our current impure birth and life within us, which now in our ignorance is covering our original pure birth and life, which in our ignorance we only currently see as "us" living in the world on the "outside" of us, but which in truth are all of the lives of darkness and evil that we have grown within us, in our ignorance, like weeds in God's Beautiful Flower Garden.
And start to act that 'Where we are", as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within us, is within the Creation of God within us, and if we do, then "God will make it so". It is just this simple.
And start to act that "What is truly happening" in our life, is "God is happening" within us, if we will only let Him within us, if we will only join in partnership with Him within us, if we will only let "Him happen" within us, and if we do, then "God will make it so". It is just this simple.
And when He does, when He does all of this within us, then our life will truly become successful in our lifetime, that is, when He awakens the wisdom surrounding our souls within us, with the "Gift of God" for our age, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, when He gives life again to the original pure birth and life within us, liberating it from its impure birth and life within us, liberating it from the "Enemy of the soul" for our age, which is our current life of "separation and differences" both within us and on the "outside" of us, liberating God within us from our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
When God does all of this within us, when God does all of this again, but this time within us within Him, because we have correctly asked Him to do it within us, through our faith, and trust and love for Him within us, by "us" correctly joining in partnership with Him within us, by accepting and using what He has placed within Himself within us, accepting and using His grace, His wisdom, and His 'ilm or divine knowledge within Him within us, then our life will truly become successful in our lifetime, allowing Him within us, and us within Him, to brings our life within Him, and His life within us, to maturity within us, first as the life of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, as the Holy Trinity of God within us, as the "Palace of the soul", within us, as the "House of wisdom" within us, as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us. Amen.
And then as the life of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, as the Triple Flame of God within us, as "True Prayer" within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and then as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, telling and bringing to completion within us the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we came to this earth world, to join as "One with" the Creation of God within us, to tell, and "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the Witness of God and True Man within us telling, and bringing to completion within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in the process He will also "destroy us", He will "destroy " us living a life on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, and as if we are "separate from" everything, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and in truth, this is what it truly means to be "born again", to "die before death", before we die to the flesh
All of which on the "outside" of us, is being constantly shown to us by God within us, if we have but the heart and eyes to see it, as a beautiful example of this truth within us, for example, as the Choice made by each apple seed, to germinate or not, a Choice that belongs to each apple seed on the "outside" of us, not to God within us, and if the apple Chooses to germinate to the truth of itself, and to the truth hidden within it, if the apple seed lets the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, then as part of this process the "apple seed" buried within the earth is destroyed, and the apple tree and its fruits hidden within it is revealed.
That is, the apple seed buried within the earth is destroyed when the apple seed joins in partnership with the earth that is surrounding it, and stops trying to "protect itself" from destruction within the earth, when the apple seed, having realized, understood, accepted, and joined as "one with" with the truth, with the truth of itself, and with the truth of what is hidden within it, when it lets the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, to the truth that naturally emerges from within it, when it is ready, when it is ready to both hear the truth within it, and either accept or reject it.
And when it accepts the truth within itself, when it accepts itself as an apple seed buried within the earth, then the apple seed becomes truly successful in its own life, for not all apple seeds, like not all people, germinate to the truth within themselves, and then when the earth accepts the apple seed buried within itself, each surrendering to the other, the apple seed germinates, having realized and accepted the truth of itself, that it is an "apple seed" buried within the earth, and the truth of what God has hidden within it, which is the apple tree and its fruits, and again the apple seeds, but this time a 1000 fold, allowing story of the "Oneness of the apple tree and its fruits" to again be told, that the apple seed came to the earth, to join as "one with" the earth, to tell, if it likes, because like with each of us, the Choice is each apple seeds on the "outside" of us, the Choice to germinate to the truth of itself, or not.
That is, to germinate to the truth that it is the "Seed of Something Else", to the truth that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and to the truth of what God has hidden within the apple seed, which is the apple tree and its fruits, and again the apple seed, the Choice to do this or not with its life, the Choice to germinate to its truth, or not, and this Choice is each apple seeds, not God's Choice within it, as it is our Choice, not God's Choice within each of us, the Choice to do this or not with our life, the Choice to germinate to our truth, or not, the Choice of each of us, and not God's Choice within us. Amen.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we must immediately stop what we are doing on the "outside" of us, no matter what it is, as it is all the same, it is simply the drama of life, of all life, for the only way to win the drama of our life, of all life, is not to play, and instead in partnership with God within us shift our focus and intention on the inside of us, to truly again become "One with" God within us, which in truth is very, very easy to do, because in truth "He already Is" One with us, and all we have to do is start living our life in that way, in partnership with God within us, and in accordance with the truth of us, and of the truth hidden within us, and than God will do "Everything Else", and then, "God will make it so". Amen.
And in this way, we must truly join in partnership with God within us, and get God within us to do it again, that is, to get God within us to again become God, but this time within us. It is just this simple.
And in this way, to truly become successful in our lifetime, we must get God hidden within us, to do it again, that is, to become "God again", but this time within us, just like each apple seed for it to become successful in its lifetime must get the apple tree hidden within it, to do it again, to become "the apple tree again", but this time within this apple seed, we must get God within us to again discarded from within Himself what is currently separating Him from Himself within us, all of which He will quite naturally and easily do within us, when He has truly accepted what is within us, as now being within Him, not within us, as now being His problem, not our problem, because we have convinced Him, through our actions, not just by our words, and the way that we are currently living on the "outside" of us, that in truth "we do not exist" as "separate from" Him within us, that in truth only He exists within us, that in truth "Only God is Great".
That is, we must be continually telling God within us, with our every look, thought, word, intention, and action on the "outside" of us, in every, moment, hour, day, month, and year of our life, that,
"You are God within us, There is nothing other than you within us, Without you there is no other help for us, Either within us or on the "outside" of us, Because in truth, "I do not exist".
"You are within us, Be within our heart, Do not be separated from us. Amen."
[Note: This quotation is from the Chapter 25, "Dhikr" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap25. to the beautiful book of wisdom by His Holiness, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). Enjoy. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
All of which He will naturally do within us, that is, start to exist within us, when we do the same, and stop acting like we exist on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" Him within us, that is, when we join in partnership with God within us to step out in this direction, both within us and on the "outside" of us, which is in the direction of the truth of us, and of the truth of God within us, which in truth is the same direction, the "One Direction" of our life, of all life, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.
That is, when we start to "do and say" things on the "outside" of us that sends God within us the same message, over and over again, day in and day out, that "we" have truly accepted Him as "us" within us, and that we truly want to discard "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, that is, when "We" have joined with Him within us to again become "One", to again become "One with" Him within us, before we die to the flesh.
Such is the only real Choice of our life, for in truth everything else is just drama, the drama of our life, of all life, of the life of "I and you", of the life of "mine and yours", of our current life of "separation and differences", both on the illusory "outside" of us, and within the very real but false life within us.
And in this way, "us" then allowing God within us to then, as "One with" us, and with "us" as "One with" God within us, start to again discard from Himself, everything that is separating Him from Himself within us, that in our ignorance we have allowed to grown within us, which in truth is now also "separating us" from "Us", that is, everything within us that is currently separating God from His soul, which in truth is now also "separating us" from "our" soul, and which in truth is now the same thing within us that is currently separating the true "us" within us from the false "us" within us, and in this way, with "us" within us joined in partnership with God within us, getting God within us to "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" Him within us, all of which is not true.
With the "true us" within us being everything within God within us, and the false "us" within us being everything that has currently grown within us in our ignorance, but that we now see in our ignorance as the illusory "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as our dream life on the "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as "us" and all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living a life as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
In this way, with "us" realizing, in partnership with God within us, that the true "us" within us, is everything within God within us, and that the false "us" within us, is everything currently within us, that is separating us from everything within God within us.
And with "us" realizing in partnership with God within us, that what is currently separating "us" from God" within us and separating God from "us" within God within us, is everything within the earth world within us, is everything within the "School of Contrast" within us, that God has patiently and every so lovingly placed within us, so we can learn, so we can learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, so we can then get God within us to "separate from" us all that is "separating us" from God within us, and having learned our lessons, and pass our exams, and graduated from this First of God's Schools within us.
Or at least join in partnership with God to start to move our life in this direction, before we die to the flesh, to then return to God within us, to then move on to the Next of God's Schools within us, to then move onto the "School of Light" within us, where God will teach us about God within us, and about True Man within God within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, about the telling and bringing to completion the Story of the "Oneness of God" and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, so we can learn about who we "Already are" within us.
In this way, so in partnership with God within us, we can start to learn about our true elemental body within us, not the elemental body that we currently see, which in truth are just the 9 openings that rule over us, but rather than this dream, this illusory body, to learn about everything within the "School of Contrast" within us, which is our true elemental body, a body that in truth is separating us from "True Prayer" within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us.
The "True Prayer" of God within True Man within us, and of True Man within God within us, where the,
"Word and the Worship will become Him, and the Continuous Light, and the Wisdom, and the Nur will become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahmat in this world and in the next."
(Which is wealth of the 3 worlds within us; the world of soul within us, this earth world or dunya within us, and the hereafter, the next world or akhirah within us)."
"Other than this, there is no other way to be the Ruler over here and over there." that His Holiness sang to us on April 26, 1972, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). Enjoy. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
A body that in truth is "separating us" from "True Prayer" within us, which in truth is how we are all put back together again, if we like. For remember, from our childhood,
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all of the Kings horses and all of the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, but wisdom can."
In this way, each of us is like "Humpty Dumpty" in this little nursery rhyme, and like "Humpty Dumpty" , there is nothing that we can use from the "outside" of us that can "put us back together", as we "originally were", before our great fall, when we fell from grace, as our Father did before us, when we fell out of the "Presence of God" within our wisdom within us, as our Father did before us, but wisdom can, the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us, can, can surely put us back together again, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not, is our Choice, not God's, for to do this at this point in our life, with our like, which involves destroying everything that currently falsely defines us on the "outside" of us, which is all of the "stuff" of our mind and desire within us, in order to reveal what truly defines us within us, which is God within us, and all of the "Stuff of God" within God within us, is our Choice, not God's Choice.
So, like "Humpty Dumpty", we can be "put back to together", that is, we can again be brought back into the "Presence of God" within our wisdom within us, through our wisdom within us, through our wisdom both "within us" and on the "outside of us".
And "within us", through the wisdom surrounding our soul, and on the "outside" of us, through our Shaikh (peace be upon Him) for our age, which in truth is the "Gift of God" for our age, as the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, if we like, in this way, awakening the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, and if we like, then re-establishing the "Presence of God" within our wisdom within us, by liberating our soul which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, which is our original pure birth and life within us, from His cross, which is our elemental body, which is our current impure birth and life within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, which is our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin, and the Choice to do this with our life, or not, to do this with what God has personally and ever so lovingly given to us, or not, is our Choice, not God's Choice.
May we all know this now, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, without the slightest doubt, for it we have doubt, then "We are out", then like Humpty Dumpty, we will never recover from our fall, and when we do eventually die to the flesh in our current state of "separation from" God within us, then hell becomes our fate, an eternal "separation from" God within us, for in truth hell is simply the realization that we have "separated ourselves from" God within us, that we have "separated ourselves from" the "Truth of us" and from the "Truth hidden within us".
That is, that we have not allowed the "Truth to surrender to the Truth" within us, we have not germinated to the truth within us, that naturally emerges from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, as all of us now living in this age are, for all of us living in this age are most certainly now ready, to both hear the truth within us, and either accept or reject it, and all that is left now, is our Choice, to either accept or reject it. Amen.
In this way, in truth we are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God, the "Earth of God" within us, and that in truth God is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God, the "Earth of God" within us, and as such, like the apple seed buried within the earth, which in truth is the "apple tree happening" within the earth, "we" are in truth "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God within us, like the apple tree hidden within the apple seed is in truth the "apple fruit happening" within the "apple tree happening" within the apple seed buried within the earth, God within is in truth "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us,
Which is the "One thing" that we can never do for ourselves, in our current state, in our current state of living a life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, at least not yet true.
For "All of the Kings horses and all of the Kings men", Which is our mind and desire, "Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again", But wisdom can.
That is, after he fell off of his wall, that is, after Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, which originally is the Essence of the Creation of God within us, fell in his ignorance from the grace of God within us, fell from the "Presence of God" within our wisdom within us, within the wisdom surrounding our soul, and became again the Creation of God within us, which is what each of us have also now done with our life, starting out as the Essence of the Creation of God within us, as our dear Father Adam (peace be upon Him) was before the fall, and then like our Father, in our ignorance, falling from the grace of God within us, becoming the Creation of God within us, and then coming to this earth world within us, with our Eve (peace be upon Him), which is the life that now defines us on the "outside" of us.
And as a result putting our wisdom to sleep within us, allowing Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, and now all of His Children within us, to came in our ignorance to this earth world within us, along with our Eve (peace be upon Her), as the "Shadow of the Nur" within us, to seek our salvation and redemption within us, for Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, and for each of His Children, now also within us. Amen. And as such, in truth "We are all One."
What Separates God From God Within Us - is what is still left behind after it is over
And finally, with "us" realizing, in partnership with God and True Man within us, that what separates God from God within us, in the next world or hereafter within us, in akhirah within us, is everything that is left over within us after God and True Man within God within us tell and complete Their Story within us, that is, after They tell and complete the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that is, what separates God from God within us is everything within us, that is "separate from" us within God within us, when it is all over, but which is still "separating God" from God within us, for in truth, "There is nothing other than" God within us".
So even though it has now become "separate from" us within God within us, it is still "separate from" God within us, it is still "separating God" from God within us, because in truth everything is in truth "Of God", whether it is "separate from" God or not.
So in truth this is the work of the next world within us, of the hereafter within us, of akhirah within us, not "us" sitting in some paradise within us, next to some rivers of milk within us, as many of us now believe, but rather, the next work within us, as True Man within God within us within the next world or hereafter within us, in akhirah within us, is bringing everything back into to God within us, that did not become "One with" God within us, when we became "One with" God within us, when God within us again "Became God" within us.
Which can be viewed if we like, as how the impure souls are created within us, in the first place, the impure souls that God gives up His understanding of Himself to join, in Anathi within us, in the time before the "Beginningless Beginning" or Aathi within us, when God meditates upon Himself within us, meditates upon the "Power within Him" at the suggestion of the Qutb of God within us, that is, of the grace of the Dhat within us, or the grace of the wisdom of God within s, meditates upon His Effulgence within us, and asks the question of God within us, for all of the impure souls within Anathi within us, asks the question of God within us, for all of these impure souls that He has become "One with", in order to bring them all back into God within us, so "No Child Is Left Behind" within us, so in the end there is truly nothing "separating God" from God within us, the Question, "Who am I?".
In this way, with the hereafter or the next world, or akhirah within us, becomes everything separating God from everything within True Man within God within us, which is the final "separation from" True Man that must also be resolved by True Man within the hereafter, in akhirah within us, as the final "separation from" God was handed by God within the earth world, or dunya, and in this way, once resolved by True Man within God within us, allowing True Man within God within us to truly again reveal God within True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us.
And such is our true state, the true potentiality of "Us" within us, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, that is, of God within us, within the Creation of God within us, and of True Man within God within us, which is the natural outcome of everything within us, which is "Oneness", that is, when we bring God into "Presence" within us, and True Man into "Presence" within God within Us. Amen.
And the equally natural outcome when we don't use our life to do this, to resolve all "separations and differences' within us, to truly use God within us, within the Creation of God within us, to "separate from" us all that is "separating us" from God within us, and to truly use True Man within us to "separate from" God within us, all that is "separating God" from God within True Man within us , when we Choose to keep "us" living in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us.
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,
Original Version:
"If you are there God is not there, and if God is there you are not there."
And the Expanded Version of this:
"If you are there (living a life on the "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" God within you then) God is not there, and if God is there you (living a life on the "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" God within you) are not there."
In this way, such is our current state of ignorance, of "separation and differences", my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, our current state of living a life on the "outside" of us in ignorance of "who we truly are", of "where we truly are", and of "what is truly happening" in our life, of living a life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, until we make it come true for us, and for everything living within us, that is, until we are truly "separated from" God within us, or more accurately until we "separate ourselves" and everything living within us, from God within us, by maintaining and claiming our "separation from" God within us, when it truth it is not true, up till our very last breath, that is, when we finally die to the flesh, in our ignorance, in our current state.
And such is also the great potential for true enlightenment within us, which is God revealing God within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, allowing True Man to then reveal God within True Man within God within us, if we like, for the Choice always ours, and in truth this is the only true Choice of our life, of all life, that is, to continue living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, until we die to the flesh, and "we' in our ignorance make it true, both for ourselves and for everything living within us, with "us" and them then being spread out again upon the primordial soil after we die to flesh, with "us" taking on 105 million rebirths as the consequence of our "stupidity" or ignorance.
And even worse, as the consequence of our arrogance, of our arrogance about our "stupidity" or ignorance, with "us" ending up as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling.
And in this way, with "us" ending up taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, rather than, taking on what God has planned and provided for us, and for everything that He patiently and every so lovingly placed within us, which is for "us" if we like, and for "them" within us if they like, to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, if we like, for as always, the Choice to use our life in this way, to use what God has placed within us, and given to us, in this way, is our Choice, not God's Choice.
And like the apple seed buried within the earth, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, such is the true purpose of our life, to join in partnership with God within us to become "Truly Realized" within us, or at least to truly start to become awakened to the truth within us, before we die to the flesh, for then, if we can just truly start this "awakening to the truth" within us, in partnership with God within us, then our life will truly become successful in our lifetime.
For then, in partnership with God within us, with "us" become "One with" God returning to God within us along the "Path of God" within us, if we like, that is, with "us" joining as "One with" our awakened wisdom within us, with the wisdom surrounding our soul, with our 6th level of wisdom, the wisdom within us that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, in order to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, becoming the "Ship of the Qutb" within us, which are the 11 "Weapons of the Qutb" within us, closing down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, in this way, closing down the 2 openings below and re-opening the 7 openings above, as the 7 levels of wisdom, ruled by the 3 above, by the Triple Flame within us, "Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen". Amen.
And then with "us" joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom joined with our liberated soul within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, searching for God within us, which is the Holy Trinity of God within us, in the Christian tradition on the "outside" of us, if we like, eventually merging back into the 'Light of our wisdom" within us, which is the Triple Flame of God within us, in the Islamic tradition on the "outside" of us, and in this way, with "us" joining as "One with" the "Light of God" within us, which is the "worship of the form of the Nur Muhammad within us, which is the state of "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, which is the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, standing in the "Light of God" within us.
In this way, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, and with True Man within God within s, to tell and complete the Story of the "Oneness of God" and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, for then God will do "Everything Else" within us, required to make our life truly successful in our lifetime, for then God "Will make it so" within us. For this is God's Promise for our age, this is God's Guarantee for our age.
Such is our current state, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, with us currently not knowing, "Who we truly are", and "Where we truly are", and "What is truly happening" in our life, which is just like the state of the apple seed buried within the earth, before it because aware of the truth of itself, and of the truth of what is hidden within it, before it lets the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, before it realizes, understands, accepts, and joins as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within it, if it likes, that is, when it is ready to both hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, as each of us are now ready to do.
As each of us are now ready to do, if we like, with God placing this Spiritual Letter before us, for in truth this letter has come out of our own hearts, as our "Own life speaking to us", if we like, and in truth is not just a nice little letter written to us from this fool.
So now in truth the Choice is each of ours, and certainly not God's Choice. For God has already made His Choice, and He Chose "Oneness" within each of you, and that why we are now currently living on the "outside" of us, within God within us, so each of us can now Choose.
And this is why Spiritual Letter 72 was written, at the feet of God for our age, written from within the Heart of our Shaikh, which for our age is our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, is His Children, is the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like. Now the Choice is ours, is each of ours. Something to think about, Yes?
Such is our current state, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, living in the world on the "outside" of us, which is like the apple seed buried within the earth, before it awakens to the truth of itself, and to the truth hidden within it, not truly knowing "Who it is", or "Where it is", or "What is happening" to it, not realizing that it is the "Seed of Something Else", and in its ignorance living on the "outside" of itself within the earth that surrounds it, protecting itself at all time from being destroyed by this earth, from the very same earth which in truth is its salvation.
In this way, not realizing the true purpose of the earth surrounding it, not realizing the earth surrounding it as the vehicle to liberate the apple tree hidden within it, and to reveal the apple fruits hidden within that tree, and to reveal again the apple seeds from within that fruit, but this time a 1000 fold, and as the vehicle to destroy the apple seed before it dies to the flesh, and becomes of no real value to anyone or anything, except to take on 105 million rebirths, after it rots in the earth, and is absorbed into the soil, but never again to be born as an apple seed, as the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits", a Story that it came to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell.
With each of "us", if we like, now being given the opportunity to do the same with our life, that is,, to germinate to the truth within us, to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us, to join as "One with" the Creation of God within us to let the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us to be told, and brought to completion within us, by God within us, and by True Man within God within us, with "us" as the Witness. A Story that we came to this earth world, to join with this earth world, to tell, if we like
With each of "us", using this Spiritual Letter as a beginning, as a starting point to realize, understand, accept, and join with this Story, for much, much more is now available in our age, for our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) gave us, both within us and on the "outside' of us, over 10,000 discourses about God, and songs to God, with most of them recorded on audio tape, and many of them recorded on video tape, just waiting for us to step up and embrace them, with faith and trust and love for God within us, as the way to join in partnership with God within us, for our age, as the way to become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age.
In this way, realizing without the slightest doubt, "who we are", and "who God is" within us, because if we have doubt then "we are out", realizing that everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us is a dream, is an illusion that is only leading us to hell, if we don't let, if we don't get, God to intervene in our life, and make it His own, before we die to the flesh, a dream of us living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, a dream which includes "us" and all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters, which in truth is the illusory "outside" of us and the very real but false inside of us, which in truth is "separating us" from God within us, which in truth is "separating God" from God within us, which in truth is separating the wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, from being awakened by the "Gift of God" for our age, by the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, by the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which in truth is preventing the 5 elemental lives or ruhanies within us, that in our ignorance we have grown within us, from having the chance to move into a good state within us, to become the 5 Angels of God (peace be upon Them) within us, and is preventing the Creation of God within us, from having the chance to come into completeness within us.
That is, keeping our original pure birth and life within us, covered over by, crucified by, the impure birth and life within us, and in this way, keeping our soul life within us, keeping Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the cross of our false elemental body within us, so "we can sin", and in this way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) did not "die for our sins", in truth, Jesus (peace be upon Him) died "so we could sin", so we could life a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us and sin, so if we like, we could join in partnership with God within us to give up our life of sin on the "outside" of us, and in this way, die before our physical death, and be born again after our physical birth.
And in this way, we could let Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us live again within us, we could give up our impure birth and life to let our pure birth and life truly live within God again, from which it has come, for understanding, to learn through contrast within us, through the contrast of our pure and impure birth and life within us, about God within us, and about True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is the earth world or dunya) within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the next world, the hereafter, or akhirah) within us. Amen.
And in this way, join in partnership with God within us, to stop living a life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, and as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
And in this way, our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us is in truth "separating" the true "us" within us from the false "us" within us, because in truth "we are of God" within us, and because none of this false "us" within us is "of God" within us, but rather it is all "of what God has discarded", has discarded from within Himself, in order to become God within us.
And none of this false "us" within us can ever return to God within us, in its current state, for all of this false "us" within us grew here, grew in this earth world within us, where we have come, and did not come here directly from God within us, as we truly have, as a ray of light from the Sun, as the soul life, as the 6th life within us, as the 6th level of the wisdom of God surrounding our soul, and as God within our wisdom, which is the Holy Trinity in the Christian tradition, as the "Father, the Sun, and the Holy Spirit" within us, and is the Triple Flame in the Islamic tradition, as, "Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen" within us. Amen
And all of this "outside" of us, that we currently see in our ignorance, is not really "outside" of us at all, but is really within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that we have grown within us in our ignorance, like weeds growing in God's Beautiful Flower Garden, and as a result none of this "outside" illusory stuff of us, or the true but false inside of us, will work for us, will work for the journey of our soul back to God within us, for something else is needed for this Divine Journey, and that something else is God within us, and the "Stuff of God' within God within us. Amen.
That is, if this be our true intention for our life within us, if we truly intend for our true life within us, which is our soul life within us, which originally came from God within us, to return to God within us, before we die to the flesh, for then, if this be the true intention for our life, then none of this illusory "outside" of us and real but false "inside" of us is of any value to us, for it cannot be used to either liberate our soul or return it to God within us, return it again to "Oneness" with God within us, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again.
And in this way, all of this "outside" of us, which is really within us, is just leading us to hell within us, not to God on the "outside" of us, as many of us believe, that is, all of this "outside" of us is just leading us to an eternal life within us as "separate from" God within us, not to some illusory heaven on another "outside" of us, after our current "outside" of us is gone, as many of us believe, not to "us" living in another "outside" of us with our dearest loving brothers and sisters, with our wife, and children, and family, and friends, to another "outside" of us that we call heaven, that we go to after we die to the current "outside" of us, which many of us believe, and in truth, is what people believe who are currently "working for wages to get into heaven" after they die to the "outside" of us, all of which is completely false, on every level within us.
May we all know this now, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, start to act as "One with" God within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is to late to make this shift in focus, from the illusory "outside" of us to the real but false "inside" of us, allowing us to see for the first time, before we die to the flesh, what is really behind the illusory "outside" of us, which is only leading us to hell within us, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, seeing it for the first time within us, before we die to the flesh, through the awakened wisdom within us.
And in this way, joining with our awakened wisdom within us to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which in truth for us still living in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, is our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
May we all know this now, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, without the slightest doubt, and then join with our awakened wisdom within us and with our liberated soul within us, joined as "One" within us, to find and become "One with" God within us, that is, join with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, liberated from His Cross within us, liberated from our current life of sin on the "outside" of us, by allowing our awakened wisdom within us to pull out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, may we all truly join as "One with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us to become "One with" Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, to become "One with" True Prayer within us, to become "One with" the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and in this way, to become "One with" God within us, and finally to become "One with" the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us. Amen.
In this way, within us, with God within us placing a "Seal" on the "Path or Religion of God" within us, allowing us then in our age, to invite God within us to walk that Path of God within us, back into God within us, allowing God to complete what God started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
A journey of our soul back to God within us, if we like, which start out within us as our original pure birth and life within us traveling back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and finishes within us with God in the end separating everything from Himself that is "separating Him" from Himself, and since "There is nothing other than God", this includes everything that is still "separate from" God after They tell Their Story, allowing God to then become everything that is within True Man within God within us, which in truth becomes the "Fruit with no seed", or "No Child left behind". Amen.
And in this way, along the way, with "us" becoming "One with" each of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and with "us" along the way with "us" becoming "One with" each of the 8 Main Prophets of God within us, which are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus (peace be upon Them), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him). Amen.
That is, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not with our life, is always ours, not God's, for the Choice to do this with our pure birth and life within us, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within Jesus (A.S.) within us, which is our purified heart, and with God within Muhammad (Sal.) within us, which is True Prayer within us, and with True Man within God within us, which is our "Oneness", is most certainly always our Choice, not God's Choice, that is, until "Only God is there". Amen.
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